Series creator Sam Lake revealed the playtime for Alan Wake 2. Fans of Alan Wake and Remedy games in general will be delighted to hear that they get to spend more time than ever before on their latest release.

Alan Wake became a bit of a cult classic after its release back in 2010, and its developers, Remedy Entertainment, were able to build off that success with a number of bigger and better games, including Control , a game set in the same universe.
Now they're returning to where it all began with Alan Wake 2, and it looks like fans have a lot more Remedy-style interactive storytelling to look forward to this time around. A whopping 20 hours of it, in fact!
The studio's creative director, Sam Lake, dropped that number during a recent episode of the Kinda Funny podcast, as part of a discussion on game lengths, and explained how this sequel was developed by a more ambitious Remedy:
“I think that with Remedy games, if we go back through the whole history, being very story-focused games, have traditionally been quite short, like 10 hours or so. And we have always internally felt that we need to find ways to do longer games, because it’s just, like, people are looking at it from a value or money perspective as well, to get enough. So Control certainly was our longest game to date, and Alan Wake 2 is going to be longer than that, 20-plus hours.”
This makes it roughly twice as long as any of their previous games, including Alan Wake and Control! Certainly a lot to digest at once for fans of both games, but not entirely unexpected given the game's dual-protagonist storyline.
Alan Wake 2 Playtime Promises The Biggest Remedy Game Yet

I have to admit that, even as an enthusiast of primarily story-focused games, Alan Wake is a game that I somehow never found the time to play. But the teasing tidbits Control shared of the game's world, and the sheer amount of confidence Remedy seems to have in Alan Wake 2, have me tempted to give the series another shot. After all, I do love myself a good mystery thriller every now and then!
That said, time is running out. Alan Wake 2 already comes out on Friday, October 27, so I'll just have to leave its enigmatic story for the true Remedy fans among you to explore... for now at least.