Epic Games has revealed its Season Zero recap for Fortnite's Ranked mode, announcing changes for Season One, which will begin at the same time as Chapter 4 Season 4.

For several months now, Fortnite players have been able to compete in the new Ranked mode, which until now has only been available in Season Zero. Season One will now begin at the same time as Season 4 Chapter 4, with a few changes that should delight the competitive community.
Fortnite Ranked: Season Zero Recap
All in all, Season Zero was a success for Fortnite's developers, who were able to adjust a number of points before making official the release of the first season, which kicks off today. Whether in terms of the ranking system, or above all matchmaking, which gave them a hard time for many long weeks.
Players are not yet guaranteed a perfect Ranked mode, but it will at least be well optimized thanks to the feedback received over the last few months.
Fortnite Ranked: What's New?
To mark the release of Season 4 Chapter 4, Fortnite has decided to introduce a much-requested new feature for Zero Build mode players. From now on, Duo mode will no longer be the only Ranked mode available.
Solo Zero Build Ranked
Epic Games will be experimenting with the addition of Ranked Solo Zero Build mode during the first weekend of this season. They will then judge for themselves what impact this mode might have on the gaming experience.
Ranked Statistics
It's now official: you'll soon be able to consult your stats in Ranked mode as of update v26.10. In the Career section, you'll be able to access your Ranked Season Zero stats.
From now on, all you have to do is enter Fortnite's Ranked mode to discover your new rank and climb the ladder as you play!