Epic Games has just released its first update following the release of the Fortnite Ranked mode, giving us our first glimpse of what's to come.

It's been a few weeks since Ranked mode finally made its appearance on Fortnite Battle Royale, and players were a little apprehensive. Now the developers have responded by announcing the first changes that will be coming to the game's new open competitive mode over the next few days.
First Changes To Fortnite Ranked
Epic Games has published a blog post about the first updates to Fortnite Ranked in Season Zero. If you haven't caught on yet, we're currently in Season Zero and it will run through Season 3 of Chapter 4. Season One will make its debut in Season 4 of Chapter 4.
They explain that this 'test' season will be used to make some changes so that Season One is as perfect as possible.
Matchmaking and queue times
Their first aim was to get players of the same level to play together. However, it wasn't all plain sailing, especially at high level when many players quickly reached Unreal rank and could no longer find games without waiting several dozen minutes.
So they made a few changes to solve this problem, except that they had to sacrifice the level gap. This means that Unreal players can often fall foul of Diamond or even Platinum level players.
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When will the ranks reset?
Contrary to expectations, the ranks will be reset before Season One. It has been announced that a reset will be carried out as part of the v25.10 update.
Ranking up to Unreal
The developers realized that reaching the Unreal rank was too easy and too quick for some players who are comfortable with Fortnite. That's why they've decided to make adjustments to the Elite and Champion ranks, which will require more effort to climb.
These are the first major changes to Fortnite's Ranked mode. However, we're expecting even more changes during Season Zero, which will last for several long weeks, giving Epic Games time to make the necessary adjustments to allow players to get the most out of this competitive mode.