Explore the dynamic world of Lego Fortnite, where the quest for Amber unlocks the gateway to advanced crafting and village upgrades.

In the enthralling world of Lego Fortnite, mastering the art of resource gathering is key to advancing in the game.
Lego Fortnite's Essential Resources: Navigating Rough and Cut Amber
Two such vital resources are Rough Amber and Cut Amber, both integral for various crafting and upgrading activities. This concise guide aims to demystify the process of obtaining and utilizing these resources, ensuring you can make the most out of your Lego Fortnite experience.
Rough Amber, a critical mid-tier material, is primarily found in the game's Dry Valley biome, a desert area. However, the game's dynamic world generation means this biome doesn't have a fixed location.
It's typically situated opposite the snowy areas, and NPCs might provide directions to it. Once there, look for tall plateaus, atop which you'll find the Rough Amber deposits in the form of large, yellow rock formations.
Remember, only an uncommon (green) or higher rarity pickaxe can mine these deposits. After collecting Rough Amber, it's time to convert it into more usable Cut Amber. This requires the construction of a Gem Cutter, a special processing tool.
Necessary materials for the Gem Cutter include Marble Slabs, Sand Claws, and Sand Shells, with Rough Amber itself being part of the construction. Once built, the Gem Cutter allows you to process Rough Amber at a 1:1 ratio.
Both forms of Amber are essential for in-game progress. Rough Amber is used for building vehicles, charms, structures, and upgrading your village. Cut Amber, processed from Rough Amber, is equally vital for crafting and further village upgrades.