You want to know how to get the Battle Pass skin of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, aka the Foundation in Fortnite? Then stay tuned, we have his challenges for you and tell you what you need to do.

With the start of Chapter 3, Season 1, it was finally revealed that The Rock is the foundation in Fortnite! And now, after his brief appearance at the end of Chapter 2, Season 8, we finally have the chance to unlock his Fortnite skin. However, it may be just a tad rock-hard, and we first need to complete a few challenges to do so.
These missions can take a bit of time, so we'll explain how to get the Foundation skin and all of its associated items. Of course, you should make sure you have the Battle Pass before you start doing his missions, yes, that means you need to open your wallet.
All Fortnite Foundation Quests and Rewards
All the foundation challenges and rewards:
Challenge | Cosmetics |
Visit the Mighty Monument, an outpost of the Seven and Sanctuary | Outfit The Foundation |
Search chests or ammo boxes at Covert Cavern | Foundation's Fortune Emoticon |
Use shield potions in a single match | True Foundation Spray |
Deal melee damage to opponents | Foundation's Plasma Spike |
Snipe an opponent with a Sniper Rifle while crouching | Foundation's Mantle Back Bling |
Hire a character and travel 1000 meters with them | Foundational Weapon Wrap |
Assist in eliminating Gunnar | Tactical Visor Toggle Emote |
Deal headshot damage to payers with common or uncommon weapons | Combat Elite Style Option |
Deal Damage to opponents from above with Shotguns or SMGs | Tactical Style Option |
Land at a Seven Outpost, then finish top | The Rocket Wing Glider |
Complete all of The Foundation Quests | Combat Style Option |
The challenges are not exactly super-easy, but they are all pretty self-explanatory. It will take you a little time to complete all the challenges, so hurry up.
By the way, similar to the Foundation, you can also unlock different Haven Masks.