FIFA Ultimate Team has always been pay-to-win. But with our trading tips, you don't have to spend real money to build a powerful FUT squad.

If you don't want to spend money for FIFA Points in FIFA Ultimate Team, you've come to the right place. We'll show you how to make coins in FUT without wasting your pocket money or even raiding your bank account.
But before you deep dive into our guide, we have to make one thing clear: trading is time-consuming. So you have to grind to make coins. It is what it is.
Why Trading Is So Important In FIFA 23
Only those who trade have a real advantage in FIFA Ultimate Team. You know the mode is pay-to-win: Whoever spends more money gets a better team. You won't get players like Mbappé, Messi, Ronaldo and Co. for free.
If you want an awesome FUT team, you have to buy and sell players and other tradeable items correctly, because this is the best way to increase your coins. You will never make enough coins just by grinding the Weekend League. For that reason, it is all the more important that you know how to do business in FUT. Investing and trading always involves speculation and the risk of losing coins. But with our tips this is (almost) impossible.
Free FUT Trading Tips – Make Coins Fast
In order to become a trading pro, you need to understand the FUT transfer market first. A lot is changing this year because we're getting a crossplay transfer market for the first time. If you want to know more about it, just click on the link.
Player prices are based on supply and demand and are therefore dynamic. And where money is made, some is lost. So be aware that some investments will not work out, and you will also suffer losses. This is part of the trading start – and can still happen to the best.
Here are our six trading tips for the new FIFA:
1. Snipe Players
Snipingcards from the transfer market might not be classic trading, it's more like smart investing. Because there are more than enough gamers out there who put cards on the market way too cheap. And that's where you come in. Don't try to buy a player in the current auction, but always look for the cheapest buy-now price. In doing so, you will have to update the market every second until a card is freshly offered. It will be quite often the case that objects are offered far below value, because the sellers have no idea of their prices. Also pay attention to the chemistry style on the card, because these versions are worth more than the normal ones. Especially with the Hunter chemistry style, you can make a lot of profit.
2. Chemistry Styles And Position Cards
Chemistry styles and the new position change cards are sometimes really expensive and a goldmine for traders. The most expensive chemistry style is Hunter. But there are enough gamers who have no idea about that. When buying a card, pay attention to whether chemistries, preferably Hunter, are equipped. Sellers often don't take the chem value into account and offer the card at the normal price.Grab this card, filter by the price of the card with Hunter, adjust the price, and sell it with profit. However, the whole thing also works the other way around. Equip cards with Hunter that are normally not like this on the market (defenders for example). Adjust the price too and voilà: Once again, you made a small but nice profit.
With position cards, you can change players' main positions. For example, make an LWB to an LB and then sell the player. Since most of us play with four defenders and not three or five, LBs are worth more than LWBs.
3. Open Bronze And Silver Player Packs
Bronze and silver players are rarely used. But there are scenarios where certain players become really expensive. For some Squad Building Challenges or Objectives, you need Bronze or Silver cards, which then become really expensive. You will be surprised, but there are quite a few (bad) cards that are worth more than 5,000 coins. So, always check the requirements for SBCs and Objectives and snipe the appropriate players, which are often simply non-rare cards.
Bronze and Silver packs are the cheapest packs in Ultimate Team. But these packs contain unimaginable wealth! Well, maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration. But try it out for real. Open a bronze and a silver pack, compare the prices of all the items, put them on the market, and then calculate whether you made a profit or a loss. Due to the low prices of the packs, you only need one player worth 500 coins – and you made a profit.
4. Invest In Dynamic Cards
The FUT year kicks off with the special cards of the Ones to Watch Promo. It features dynamic special cards for stars who moved to a new club during the summer transfer window. If the players perform in real life, they will be upgraded in FIFA. The Road to the Knockout or the Headliner Promo are also suitable for this.The rating of the dynamic cards can always increase – if you invest at the right time, you can get some coins out of it. But it is also clear that you should first try out the other tips. You need coins that you can invest to make more coins.
5. Hoard SBC Fodder
This tip is something for the later phase of the FUT season. After Team of the Year, the game gets played way less, and that's when you have to strike. Collect SBC fodder!Of course, this is just a metaphor, we mean players with a high OVR rating, almost anyone with an OVR of 85 or more is helpful here. Bad FUT cards like Thomas Müller or Dani Parejo are perfect examples here. The cards are cheap because they're the opposite of meta – but highly rated. If a violent icon SBC is released in which you , many gamers will buy such SBC food cards from you at a high price.
6. Extinct Players
Since EA introduced the price range for FUT, a new phenomenon in the game has developed. Cards can disappear from the game. How does this happen? There are two possibilities: A good card is new on the market, but EA set the price range far too low. Then, of course, nobody wants to sell their cards below value, which is why some players are not available for purchase. Now, it is your time to shine with your newly learned sniping skills. Try to get as many extinct cards as you can – and then sell them for a profit when the price range corrects.
The other option is that EA removed a player from the packs. If a player receives a Team of the Week card, their standard version is not in packs for the active time of the TOTW. Or a player is even removed from FUT entirely – even then the price goes up.However, Tip 6 is the riskiest trading tip, as the price range may either not be adjusted, or EA even ensures that you can't sell your players that were removed from FUT.