Fans are calling for xQc to stop his gambling streams and start playing chess again instead. It seems like a pretty good idea, to be honest.

Amid growing concerns about xQc's gambling habits, fans have started calling for him to stop doing sponsored gambling streams and instead return to playing Chess on Twitch. The streamer responded to fan's request with a wry smile and a short sentence, indicating to us that he's not particularly willing to do what is being suggested.
Over the last couple of months, xQc has revealed more and more about his gambling habits, telling his audience that he has lost millions of dollars gambling both on and off stream and that he has a problem. These issues came to light after a podcast he did with Pokimane where the issue got brought up in detail.
Felix "xQc" Lengyel has lost a lot of money due to what he calls an "addiction" and his revelations even prompted his father to call him on-screen to make sure that he was okay. It's sad to see a great streamer like xQc struggle with such an addiction, but it's also important for fans to understand that these are personal issues, and they may not be able to do all that much to help him.
Will xQc Quit Gambling Streams for Chess?
It seems very unlikely that xQc will quit gambling streams in favor of chess, after he responded rather passively to a fan's suggestion. His response came after watching a clip on-stream from Jake'n'Bake which featured a fan pointing at the camera and saying "xQc, don't gamble, play chess". He responded very simply:
Chess? Interesting. Thanks man.
The clip went viral on Reddit, garnering more than two thousand up-votes and a whole lot of comments. His response has gone likewise viral, putting fuel in the fire of those fans who are worried xQc is dangerously addicted to the gambling loop that he has found himself in. It's sad to see, but not uncommon among regular gamblers.
xQc has continued to wage a war against the online haters who try to claim that he is irresponsible for streaming gambling content, saying that his integrity is still intact and that he won't stop gambling streams as it's good content. It's a bit of an odd move to try and defend content that actively promotes gambling, but he is also completely within his rights to do so.