The End of the F***cking World on Netflix (or Channel 4 for our British friends) has been one of those kinda weird shows that got wildly popular – for good reason. The show's creator Charlie Covell talks about the future of the series.

In The End of the F***cking World, audiences fell in love with two deeply troubled weirdos: James and Alyssa, both odd in their own ways. James thinks of himself as a psychopath and kills animals as a hobby, Alyssa is constantly cursing, impulsive to a fault and rude to no end, and James wants to kill her. A perfect love story for obviously highly likeable characters!
Oddly, both of them still make it work to have the audience root for them, because the show did one thing right: the characters are agonizingly human and relatable. They are damaged, troubled and don't know how to cope. So for all their faults, they are still just kids, and you want them to succeed (well, except for James with his killing thing, obviously).So will we be able to watch the both of them again in The End of the F***ing World season 3?
Charlie Covell On The End of the F***ing World Season 3
With two critically acclaimed seasons that were both popular with critics and audiences alike, it only seems logical to get season 3 out there, right? Wrong.
Charlie Covell, who wrote the show adaptation, took a pretty clear stance on the possibility of season 3 in an interview with Radio Times:
I think, for me, that's it now. Yeah, that's done. I think to try and eke more out would be wrong, I like where we've left it.
And you know what? Fair. There are so many shows that tried to get as much revenue out of beloved shows as possible and completely ruined the story with their greed, leaving not only fans disappointed, but also tainting the legacy of formerly great shows.
The End of the F***cking World wasn't even supposed to have a second season in the first place, let alone a third, so fans actually got lucky with season 2. Covell told Digital Spy: "In all truth, we just thought about it as a single thing."
That might be for the best. James and Alyssa for sure have been through enough and have enough trauma to last them a lifetime, and let's be honest, a season 3 about them just going to therapy wouldn't be as exciting as the first two seasons. Let them rest, and let's keep the show in good memory.
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