It has been a while since Pokimane announced her break from streaming. Now it seems the queen is ready to return to her throne/gaming chair. Pokimane will be back and hopefully fresh and full of ideas for the months to come. When will she be back? You'll find the answers here.

[Update September 2, 2022]
So, I was talking about Pokimane returning from her break, fresh, motivated and full of ideas. Guess she had other plans.
It seems Pokimane is still not in a place, where she feels all that comfortable, streaming. In a YouTube video she posted on September 1st, she opens up about her struggles with streaming and what her plans will be going forward.
Pokimane noted that her enthusiasm for streaming has taken a hit, and wasn't able to recover, even with her month-long break. She said, she doesn't feel creatively fulfilled anymore and with all the pressure and constant hate, lost a bit of her passion.
Understandable, I guess. I understand the pressure part, with the millions of expectations she's facing, and that work can stop being as fulfilling as it might have been in the beginning. Also, that trend-hunting content creators have to do can burn out anyone, or lead to them making stupid mistakes. Cough, Logan Paul.
Pokimane wants to reduce her streaming schedule to 2-3 times a week going forward, which opens up possibilities, like posting more on other social media sites, like TikTok or Instagram. She said, she will still be doing gaming content, but she wants to focus more on IRL stuff.
This message might come as a shock to some of her fans, but let's be honest, she was cutting back on her gaming and streaming content for a while now, taking breaks, reducing her time live etc.
[Update: 28.08.2022]
Pokimane's Return to Streaming
Pokimane, the Simp-Queen of Twitch, will be back. In July 2022, she announced a break from streaming, to mentally reset and focus on herself. Fans were left in the dark as to when she would return. Besides a little teasing with her new streaming room, she didn't make a public statement regarding her return. Until yesterday, that is. Yesterday, she tweeted out the date of her return, being September 1st.
So on Thursdays this week ... that's a little short notice. But I guess her fans won't mind, after her roughly month long break. They will be happy to have her back, unlike some other streamers who could've just stayed gone. Will you be watching her return live on stream? I sure won't ... cause I got work... fml. You have fun, though.
Pokimane, one of the most famous people on Twitch, recently announced that she is taking a break from streaming. The 26-year-old made the announcement following her appearance at TwitchCon EU in Amsterdam. As for the reasons, Pokimane made a post on Twitter, explaining why she needed time off.
Pokimane: Suffering From Success
Since Pokimane started streaming in 2012, about ten years have passed. With her cheerful and easy-going attitude, she quickly grew to become one of the most successful streamers, certainly female streamers, on the platform.
But it seems with so much success comes great responsibility, or something like that, as she faces a lot of hate and even more sexual harassment, I mean like, a lot of sexual harassment. She previously had to take time off, as she felt burnt out and needed a break from streaming. This happened again!
What Happened & Will Pokimane Come Back?
In her Tweet, she explained that streaming so much with barely any breaks has put a mental strain on her. Well, no shit! I would be stressed out as well, having 10,000 plus viewers watch and sexualize my every move for multiple hours a day without a break. Due to this, she wants to take some time off to focus on herself and her life offline.
taking time off
— pokimane (@pokimanelol) July 19, 2022
As it stands, she is planning to take a little break, get her head back into gear, then come back refreshed and good as new. Good news, my dear Pokimane simps, your queen will be back for lighter entertainment and uncomfortable comments in her chat.
Being a content creator seems to go hand in hand with a huge amount of stress and pressure by the public. If you ever posted a slightly controversial topic on Twitter, I guess you know what I mean.
Therefore, you go girl! Take some time off, decompress, have a good time and see you soon.