On July 11, 2023 PewDiePie and his wife Marzia officially became parents. Pewds has now shared the first pictures of the little bundle of joy as well as a name!

Felix "PewDiePie" Kjellberg and his wife Marzia are parents and by the looks of it, the little family couldn't be happier. After announcing to take a break as the due date approached, PewDiePie took to Instagram to share the happy news: the baby boy's here and apparently everyone is fine!
And it's not only the birthday he shared. We got spoiled with pictures and even the name of the newest Kjellberg: Björn.
https://valorfeed.gg/skins/val... With the traditional Scandinavian name, the little one will always have a tie to his father's origins.
Björn means "bear ", by the way.
For now there's nothing left to say than congratulations! We wish the three of them all the best!
With PewDiePie having other things to do than YouTube, maybe EarlyGame can help you out.