Ever since Daniel Craig abandoned the title of 007 fans have been wondering who the next James Bond might be. Turns out, it might just be an actor we already know from the Marvel Cinematic Universe

James Bond as a character is well known for having multiple iconic portrayals. Now that Daniel Craig has stepped back from the titular role, we will get a new person for the job. The new favorite to play the part is former Marvel actor, Aaron Taylor-Johnson.
Aaron Taylor-Johnson Is The New Favorite To Play James Bond
Casting for the new 007 has begun about a year ago and many popular actors were in the race of playing our favorite agent with a license to kill.
Sadly, it seems like fan favorite choices like Idris Elba and Henry Cavill are out of the question as big brains behind the franchise are aiming for a younger actor, ready to commit to a 10+ year contract.
According to the Sun, the new front-runner to play James Bond is Aaron Taylor-Johnson, who apparently had a convincing secret audition.
The 32-year-old actor has been working on his action portfolio with movies like Bullet Train and Tenet, so he could definitely play the part, but so far we are still talking about rumors.
We will keep you updated, though, if we get confirmation or just new info in general.