Netflix Will Get Ads

Netflix is due for some changes: Cheaper prices, in favor of advertisements. Here's what you need to know.

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If you ever thought Netflix got to expensive, you're certainly not alone. Now, Netflix is making adjustments to its pricing, but it comes with a caveat: Advertising. Yes, Netflix will lower its prices, but it will do so in favor of advertisers getting your eyeballs. Not... literally, just... ah, you know what I mean.

Netflix Will Add Advertisements In Cheaper Tier

The new tier will set you back $6.99 a month, which is a fair bit cheaper than Netflix's normal pricing, but in return it will include advertisements. The ad-supported tier will be the Basic Tier, and it will be released on November 3.

Quality-wise, the tier will be limited to 720p, which is the same as Netflix's previous Basic Tier. As far as advertisements go, don't worry, Netflix isn't going ham on us: 4-5 minutes of advertising per one hour of watching, and each ad will be 15-30 seconds long. That sounds fair enough, but... me personally, I still wouldn't want my hour-of-Netflix-power interrupted by 30 seconds of ads for a pizza that I'm eating anyway...

Other restrictions will include not being able to download titles, as well as some titles being restricted, because... some shows and movies don't want their quallity interrupted by Dominos.

Amidu Njiemoun

Amidu is a Brunel University graduate, and former published novel & screenplay writer turned gaming journalist and show host. He was a Senior Content Creator and Content Co-Lead at EarlyGame....