The MCU, or rather Marvel, sure knows how to time things: What better month than Pride Month to reveal your first bisexual character within the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
Surprise, surprise, the first bisexual character in the MCU is Loki. Yup. Who would've thought? Basically, just about everyone. Literally anyone with a brain would've put their money on the God of Mischief being bisexual. But... if you're more into his brother Thor and want to get thirsty over some serious hotness... well, indulge:
Of course, only thirsting over male Thor is a waste. How did Prince Oberyn Martell put it? Being straight means "missing half the world's pleasures." Thus, we present to you... female Thor:
Now, back to our regularly scheduled programming:
Loki Is the First Bisexual Character in the MCU
If you don't wanna know anything about Loki's show on Disney, then be warned:
Spoiler Alert.
Ok. Moving on:
In episode 3, Loki has a heart-to-heart with Sylvie in which he flat out states that he likes "a bit of both". Prince Oberyn Martell... Prince Loki... seems all the princes know it's best to indulge in all that the world has to offer.
Here's what director Kate Herron, the director of Loki episode 3, had to say about the reveal (also it reveals the screengrabs from the scene, so again: Spoiler Alert):
From the moment I joined @LokiOfficial it was very important to me, and my goal, to acknowledge Loki was bisexual. It is a part of who he is and who I am too. I know this is a small step but I'm happy, and heart is so full, to say that this is now Canon in #mcu #Loki pic.twitter.com/lz3KJbewx8
— Kate Herron (@iamkateherron) June 23, 2021
To be fair, though: Is anybody really surprised? I mean, Loki is basically genderless and can become whatever he wants to be. I'm willing to bet that the levels of sexual orientation Loki has experienced don't even have names yet. But... that's probably a reveal for another month.
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