The official sport of Quidditch changed its name to Quadball to not be linked with JK Rowling anymore. Yes, this is all for real.

Quidditch changes its name to "distance" itself from the original creator of the Harry Potter universe, J.K. Rowling. There's so much to unpack here. Yes, there is an official, real version of Quidditch, which was news to me. Don't judge my ignorance, I live in Germany and I have never even seen Baseball here, let alone Quidditch. But yes, it is a proper sport – from now on, it will be called Quadball though.
Quidditch Is Dead, Long Live Quadball
Quidditch is no more. From now on, the game will be called Quadball, to shave off the connection to J.K. Rowling. This has been officially announced by the International Quidditch Association (IQA), Major League Quidditch (MLQ), and QuidditchUK (QUK), who emphasized that their decision is partly based on Rowling's anti-trans stance. Here's a comment from QUK on the matter:
The name change indicates a firm stance with our trans players and members, as well as giving us more firm legal footing and opening up greater opportunities for funding and external partners.
Listen, no one can and ever will deny the huge cultural impact and legacy of Harry Potter. Sure, adults should probably read other books than just that and yeah, I am completely tired of it all. But it is an amazing franchise. However, the seemingly spotless image of HP has been tarnished in the last few years, and by none other than its own creator, J.K. Rowling. Now, her transphobic comments and overall tomfoolery has even alienated some of her most dedicated fans. Damn... anyway, I'm off checking for any local Quadball teams in my neighborhood.