James Gun is not happy with how superhero movies have turned out and won't hold back in criticizing them.

James Gunn is probably one of the few directors who understands superhero movies. His impact on the MCU has been painfully obvious, because the funny type of writing he introduced with Guardians of the Galaxy, has become a staple of Marvel movies that itself has turned into the butt of the joke. Now that he has made huge plans for the DCEU he also explained the problem with superhero movies nowadays.
With his new 10-year plan, Gunn plans to save the DCEU and has stated his verdict on current superhero movies, which probably means he won't repeat those mistakes. The popular director sees the main issue in the fact that “people have gotten a little lazy” not really trying to produce great cinema, but instead relying on the source material to carry their movies.
James Gunn is a prominent American film director, screenwriter, and producer, who gained widespread acclaim for his work in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, so you could say that he knows a thing or two about superhero movies.
As we already mentioned, his unique blend of humor, action, and character development redefined superhero movies, providing Marvel with a blue-print they haven't deviated from ever since Endgame. And that's exactly the problem that Gunn called people out for!
James Gunn Reveals Major Problem With Superhero Movies Nowadays
During his appearance on the Inside of You podcast, Gunn talked about his 10-year plan for the DCEU, addressing the biggest problem of superhero movies nowadays in the process.
Despite many people claiming that the market is simply over saturated with superhero stuff, Gunn has a different opinion on the matter.
It’s not necessarily a problem of quantity – if they weren’t “lazy”, the complaints would be few and far between. People have gotten really lazy with their superhero stories.

This is a pretty simplified explanation, but it sums it up pretty nicely. Gunn goes into more detail as well, explaining how most of the superhero stories lack vision and understanding of the story they're trying to tell.
They have gotten to the place where, ‘Oh, it’s a superhero, let’s make a movie about it.’ And then, ‘Oh, let’s make a sequel, because the first one did pretty well,’ and they aren’t thinking about, ‘Why is this story special? What makes this story stand apart from other stories? What is the story at the heart of it all? Why is this character important? What makes this story different that it fills a need for people in theaters to go see?’
Obviously, Gunn plans to not make the same mistake for his vision of the DCEU and him being able to precisely pinpoint the main issue people have with the MCU like that, actually builds some trust for DC going forward.
We will have to wait and see whether James Gunn actually manages to follow through with this, but so far it seems promising.
We now have the fourth Spider-Man movie lined up, but Marvel apparently made a decision fans weren't too happy with: