It's been a few years since Into the Badlands' third season ended – where's season 4? We've been waiting for years now, on a cliffhanger no less to make matters worse!

For three seasons, fans of Into the Badlands have been spoiled with so much badass martial arts action that it's hard to move on from that. What other choice did people have in the Badlands than to rely on their fists when firearms have been long forgotten?
That is… until Eli finds a revolver in season 3. He fires it. The shot fills the air, giving off a sound that nobody heard in forever! This left audiences wondering when the cast is gonna roundhouse-kick their way into the western genre for good with that new revolver. Because let's be honest, Into the Badlands always kinda had that Western vibe that they could have emphasized even more in season 4. Or am I the only one?
Into the Badlands Season 4: Is It Coming?
Having firearms in the Badlands would have been a huge plot twist, with a million different ways to turn the world as we know it on its head. And even without a gun, the finale of season 3 was filled to the brim with fights and honestly, there seem to be lots of stories left to tell.
Sadly, Into The Badlands has been canceled. We won't get a fourth season exploring how the revolver changes the world, or get to see what may still happen with Sunny or his gang.
Why Was Into the Badlands Canceled?
It seems kinda counterproductive to have canceled Into the Badlands after its third season, as its popularity only grew. While the first season got mixed reviews, the second already had a 100% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes, leading to a season 3 with 16 episodes – as many as season 1 and 2 combined.
So, what went wrong?
It's actually not that complicated, but still a tough pill to swallow: presumably, Into the Badlands simply didn't have a big enough audience.
Maybe AMC Studios just has really high standards. Into the Badlands just couldn't keep up with AMC's other hit, The Walking Dead. AMC kind of lost interest after the first season of Into the Badlands, concentrating on their golden goose, The Walking Dead, saving cost on marketing the following seasons and kinda letting the martial arts series die.
Not All Hope Is Lost
It may sound delusional, but there still is a sliver of hope to get a fourth season. With a dedicated enough fan base, reviving a dead show is not impossible: it's been done before!
So, there's still the astronomically small possibility of another Network getting their hands on Into the Badlands and reviving it. If the actors are up for it, then perhaps the show could even pick up right where we left off or maybe get a totally new cast, dealing with the aftermath of what happened in season 3.
However, that may turn out, we'll keep you posted!