Good Omens Season 3: Everything We Know So Far

The second season of Good Omens has been another huge success, but people are already asking for season 3. Here's everything we know so far.

Good Omes
Is Good Omens season 3 happening? | © Amazon

After more than 4 years of waiting, Good Omens has finally picked up where it left off with season 2. We hope you've been enjoying another installment of divine mischief. But if you're here, then you're probably one of the many people who are already longing for more. So, is Good Omens season 3 happening? Here is everything we know so far.

Good Omens: Will There Be A Season 3?

Now that Crowley and Aziraphale (I'm going to shorten that to Azir) are back with another season, we've been enjoying even more stories revolving around this unlikely duo.

And although the show has now gone far beyond the original Good Omens novel from 1990 (written by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman), a third season seems more likely than ever.

We're optimistic about a third season of Good Omens because Season 2 is obviously trying to set up a sequel.

Not to get into any spoilers regarding season 2, but the showrunners ended with one hell of a cliffhanger, that they hopefully won't just leave unresolved.

Good Omens Crowley and Azir
They still have stuff to do! | © Amazon

Neil Gaiman himself seems pretty optimistic, though. He's infamous for being one of those approachable celebrities, and he regularly answers fans' questions on Tumblr. That's exactly what he did in late October, responding to a fan who's been curious about the rumors of Good Omens already being renewed.

Every day it's getting closer. We aren't quite there yet. But Amazon has definitely been doing things that make a third season more likely.

That's probably as much as he can share without giving away that the deal is basically sealed. Still, Gaiman also shared that there won't be a fourth season.

That means Good Omens season 3 is probably greenlit, even though Amazon didn't share the good news just yet. But this also means we've got the bittersweet confirmation that season 3 is going to be the last we see of Crowley and Aziraphale.

We'll update you as soon as there's an official release date or confirmation to report!

Robert Bachhuber

As a master graduate of sociology who wrote his thesis about Twitch, Robert knows a fair share about streaming. Adding to that, he loves binge-watching TV shows, so he got entertainment covered....