EarlyGame's Artist of the Day: Lindsay Clark

Lindsay Clark is EarlyGame's Artist of the Day!

Lindsay Clark
Our artist of the day! | © Lindsay Clark

Lindsay Clark finds balance between traditional and English folk, country, and her own version of experimental folk that seems to come from within.Exquisite and pitch perfect, her music speaks of quiet revelation, with a background of (usually her own) multi-tracked vocal arrangements. With influences ranging from the Beach Boys, Elizabeth Cotton, Joni Mitchell, Appalachian folk, her classical upbringing, and her father's record collection, she blends many worlds into a uniquely warm sound. She has carved out a vibrant place as an artist with a penchant for poetry, rich harmony, and a style of self-taught fingerpicking influenced by Nick Drake, John Fahey, and others.

Originally from the small gold rush town of Nevada City, CA, she now resides in Portland, OR. Her sound has been described as “folk with angelic vocals washing over smooth edges” (1859 Magazine). She has shared the stage with musicians such as Alela Diane, Adam Torres, Nat Baldwin (Dirty Projectors), Ryan Francesconi (Joanna Newsom), Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith and Michael Hurley. “Crystalline” was released in 2018 via boutique German label Oscarson.Her forthcoming full-length album (which she wrote, produced and co-arranged), Carpe Noctem, features guitarist William Tyler, Alela Diane, Sage Fisher (Dolphin Midwives), Alexis Mahler (Shook Twins) & Andy Rayborn (Paper Gates). It was engineered and arranged with Jeremy Harris (Vetiver, Adrienne Lenker, Hand Habits), and is out 6/24/22 with Audiosport Records (NL). She has also recently collaborated on Michael Hurley's latest release, Time of the Foxgloves (No Quarter Records). She is currently at work on her first collection of lyric memoir-in-essays.

What is your favorite video game soundtrack?

Legend of Zelda, Mario World

Who's your favorite video game music composer?

I don't know them by name but would be curious to know!

What’s your favorite video game?


What game inspired you to do music?

Well I'm going to go way back to King's Quest, which was a computer game back in the 90s. It had so many beautiful fantasy elements, story and was really creative.

What video game are you currently playing?

Haven't played any recently! But I teach music students and they are always wanting to learn the music from Minecraft. Other than that, I could use some recs!

Would you ever like to write music for video games? What would it be like?

If I wrote music for video games, it would be whimsical, beautiful, orchestral and mysterious.

How important is music for video games / video games for music?

So important! Music effects the way we feel, our mood, and the way we process what's happening around us.
Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....