The EarlyGame Awards 2022 are, once again, here in support of Laureus Sport for Good. Thus, anyone who donates enters the draw to win something nice...

THE RAFFLE IS OVER. Should you still wish to donate to Laureus Sport for Good, go ahead.
Donating is always one of those things: You want to, but somehow you never do it. I understand, been there, done that. Often, you don't even know if the donations will end up where they're supposed to. Fortunately, Laureus Sport for Good Germany is a brand that all of you probably know. Nevertheless, you should know what you are donating to:
[The goal is] to use the power of sport to address today's social challenges and help disadvantaged children and young people through social sport programs.
The thing is that, because we want to sweeten the deal even more, we have come up with the following: You give, we give, both sides win.
For every €5 that you donate, you have the chance to win a Razer Laptop worth about €3000 (jeez, that ain't a cheapie, is it?). Oh, wait, actually, we're giving away two of these whopping €3000 laptops! For providing us with such a fabulous prize, they more than deserve your Twitter follow. Seriously, two winners guys, get in there!
If you donate €5, you'll get one ticket. If you donate €10, you'll get two, and so on. Thus, the more you donate, the more likely it is that you get your hands on one of those beautiful, beautiful Razer laptops! Let's go!