The EarlyGame Awards are back in 2022. What changed?

If you're now asking yourself: the hell is this? Are you trying to be Game Awards 2.0? Noob, of course now. But it's okay... we'll give you another chance.
The EarlyGame Awards in favor of Laureus Sport for Good are THE gaming & esports awards of the year. Everyone that influenced the German gaming, streaming and/or esports scene is a part of this.
In 2021, we had three categories that the communities voted for: Upcoming Streamer of the Year, Social Personality of the Year and Gamer of the Year. Who won? Gotta watch that yourself.
The EarlyGame Awards are the most important gaming & esports event of the year. If you miss this, it's your own fault. - Fabian Furch, co-founder EarlyGame
Thanks for that beautiful pep talk, boss. Could have used that in my 0/15 League match yesterday, but okay, I'll take what I can get.
The EarlyGame Awards will be held in February 2022 and if COVID finally f-s off, then all those great influencers will come too. If you want to be a part of it, live, then you can buy tickets later on. Remember that this will be held in Munich, though.
This time, there are two more categories because last time, we completely forgot that we were an esports brand. No more, I say.
EarlyGame Awards 2022 Categories
- Upcoming Streamer of the Year
- Social Personality of the Year
- Gamer of the Year
- Esports Player of the Year
- Esports Team of the Year
Like I said in an investor video this year, blushing from ear to ear: Next year, we'll make it even bigger. I rhyme as badly as my blood flows in my face, but you get my point.
Why are we doing this? Well, just like the last EarlyGame Awards, we're doing this in favor of Laureus Sport for Good. In case you don't know them: Laureus Sport for Good supports underprivileged children and teens through supporting social sport programs. They not only motivated kids to lead an active life, but support them in the long-run and give them a brighter perspective for the future.
We've been working with our charity partner Laureus Sport for Good since last year. Yes, charity partner, because that's what all this is for: charity. Support influencers? Nice. Do something good while supporting them? Even better.
The voting is now live, by the way... in case you want to vote for German creators that you probably don't know. But hey, some of their names sound nice.