After his arrest by the Romanian authorities, Andrew Tate was finally allowed access to his e-mail account, providing his fans with the details of his living conditions.

Ever since his arrest by the Romanian authorities, things have been quiet around the controversial influencer Andrew Tate. Now he was allowed to send out his first e-mail, since being detained back in December 2022, detailing the horrific conditions of his Romanian cell to his fans.
Following His Arrest Andrew Tate Now Able To Send And Receive Mails
The YouTuber Fesify recently uploaded a video, showing a newsletter Andrew Tate sent out to his subscribers.
This story was picked up by multiple news outlets, giving the contents some legitimacy.
The email is addressed at is subscribers with the subject "My first email from Imprisonment" and was apparently sent from '' mail address.
The content of the mail mostly refers to Tate's situation, describing his living conditions to his fans.
“I will send you my daily lessons from unjust imprisonment. They are trying to break me. Thrown inside a cell without light. Cockroaches, lice, and bed bugs are my only friends at night. When the guards bring me to and from the courtroom, I stay absolutely respectful,” he said.
Tate then continues, "they try to pour hatred into my heart. But Please and Thank You stick with me at all times. My prison guards are just performing their job, they have families to feed".
He follows this up by saying, “in times of hardship, don’t forget your manners. They are trying to break my Iron Mind with unjust imprisonment. My absolute respect for everyone around me is my act of absolute rebellion. They cannot break me. My guards know I am innocent. They know it is unjust. They see I will never break and respect my resolve. Please and Thank You stick with me at all times. Such is the way of the Wudan.”

All in all, he describes his precarious living conditions, while also maintaining a non-aggressive position.
If you are unfamiliar with Andrew Tate's backstory, he claims to remember his previous life, in which he lived 5000 human years atop Wudan mountain.
He sells that story as an e-book, as well as his "Hustlers University" and others of his projects, on his website.
Around the time he sent the email, Tate also tweeted out, revealing an email which fans can use to write him.
They finally allowed me to receive mail.You can send me your letters
— Andrew Tate (@Cobratate) January 22, 2023
Maybe his "first mail from Imprisonment" was this tame, because he didn't want to lose his mail access, therefore being able to continue his get-rich-quick-schemes even from prison.
If Tate actually helped you get rich, go buy that PS5 , you deserve it!
Maybe it is supposed to help him keep up the whole "man from Wudan" story.
Maybe it's something else.
Regardless, it looks like his living conditions while in custody aren't what the Top G is used to, but it looks like Tate is going to uphold his "The Matrix is out to get me" defense in front of his fans, claiming his imprisonment is unjust and that even the "guards know [he's] innocent".
We will have to wait and see how things turn out, but so far it is not looking like the Romanian authorities are going to let Tate off the hook.
The Matrix is real and it is using this VR-Headset: