Amouranth is not messing around after splitting from her abusive husband and weeding out her team. Now it seems, she is looking for new employees and revealed three key characteristics she is looking for in an employee, but also in a person.

Amouranth has been very vocal about cleaning house and weeding out employees, after her abuse situation became public. One of the first people she called out was her former camera man and content lead, Marz.
If you need a quick recap on the situation:
Marz has been with Amouranth for the longest out of any employee and Amouranth claims he knew about her abuse all along and did nothing, but aggravate the situation. On stream, she mentioned that:
He has known me longer than anyone on my staff, so I don't like that he's labeling other people as enablers. Because he has known about the situation for so long.
With this quote, she is pretty much calling him an enabler himself... oh how the tables have turned. It looks like Amouranth will no longer employ Marz after, and is looking to restructure her staff entirely.
Been cleaning house and moving forward with an eye towards prioritizing hires that have strong cultural fit and align with my values Will be reaching out to real work clients + staff today & tomorrow and navigating the path forward! I plan to continue with all of the projects
— Kaitlyn (@wildkait) October 24, 2022
I think it is a good idea to weed out the people that kinda enabled her abuse to continue by not saying anything even though they witnessed it first hand. Marz should definitely be the first person on her chopping block, and it looks like they already split, but others will surely follow. Marz should just become a streamer himself, if he is so desperate for clout, cameras are not actually that expensive.
We actually had the chance to interview Amouranth a while ago, this is what she had to see regarding her OF & more:
Amouranth Restructuring Her Staff
Going forward, Amouranth is planning to be extra vigilant when it comes to employees, stating that she will prioritize hires with aligning values and a strong cultural fit. She makes this all the more clear in another tweet, where she lists the 3 key characteristics, she is looking for in a person and or employee.
Look for 3 things in a person and or employee:Integrity Energy Intelligence And stay far far away from people who have the latter two but not the first.
— Kaitlyn (@wildkait) October 26, 2022
I guess all of those make sense. Integrity, so they aren't snake a-holes, like her former content lead Marz. Energy pretty much means being passionate about the projects she is planning, so that one is a no-brainer. Intelligence, well yeah, don't want any stupid people that produce more work for everyone involved because of their mistakes.
Gotta stay successful, if you're the biggest female streamer on Twitch:
So I gotta say, all of those characteristics make a lot of sense. Especially the integrity one, with all that has happened to her. I really appreciate how she includes a Star Wars prequel meme about Darth Plagueis the Wise.
If you don't know, he got betrayed by his student, which is probably meant to be a little jab at her former employees "backstabbing" her.
Let's hope we will not see her on this list for a while now after this month:
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