Dataminers have found evidence of a St. Patrick's Day event coming to Warzone for Season 2 Reloaded. Prepare yourself for some very annoying leprechauns...

Warzone Season 2: Reloaded is expected to launch on Thursday, March 17. These mid-season events normally bring a new weapon, a new operator and a limited-time mode into the game, and the whole event usually follows a certain theme. Season 1: Reloaded was focused on Christmas, for instance, and we had to deal with one of the worst characters in Warzone's history being introduced. But what could be the theme of Season 2: Reloaded? Well, March 17 isn't just a big day for Warzone, it also happens to be St. Patrick's Day...
Leprechauns Found In Warzone & Vanguard
A user of r/CoDCompetitive shared footage of a leprechaun that's already in the Vanguard and Warzone game files, which effectively confirms the St. Patrick's Day event we were all expecting. As you can see, these leprechauns look worryingly similar to the Christmas elves:
Data Miners have found a Leprechaun in Vanguard... Last time there was elves and private matches were chalked from CoDCompetitive
That was an execution that the leprechaun was performing, which is no doubt part of a bundle we haven't seen in the store yet. But they would never put so much effort into the leprechaun if it was only going to appear in an execution. No, these lucky little guys will no doubt appear in Warzone and Vangaurd as killable objectives, just like the recent new arrivals we saw during the Christmas event. And simply because it works so well with leprechaun lore, we can confidently assume that killing these leprechauns will give you a ton of cash.
This is probably going to be an annoying mid-season mode, to be honest. But next month we're getting Snoop Dogg with the 4/20-themed event, and that looks amazing.