The Warzone Core Skills Series: Jump Shotting

In our Warzone Core Skills Series, we're going to go through the essential mechanics you need to begin playing competitively, and today - Jump Shotting.

Warzone Core Skills Jump Shotting
Movement is one of the most important factors in a gunfight on the Call of Duty engine. | © Activision Blizzard

You might have been playing since launch, and you might chase the meta like a fiend, but if you're still struggling to push into the top 10 in Warzone, then maybe you need to work on your core skills. Even if you have practiced a lot of these mechanics, you might still learn a thing or two. So, let's get into this week's skill: Jump Shotting.

What Is Jump Shotting In Warzone?

Jump shotting is what it sounds like - jumping in the air while you shoot someone. And there are two reasons people do it:

  • When you jump shot, the enemy is less likely to get headshots. Even if they were pre-aiming at the head height, they're now hitting center mass. While conversely, you're more likely to be getting headshots when you initially aim for center-mass.
  • Another key purpose of jump shotting is for going around corners - it gives you a split second advantage on potential campers. Because the way that Warzone's engine works causes the person leaping around the corner to see the person waiting there a split second earlier. You can see a good example beneath of how this works
This is why people jump shot you around corners. Did a little testing - offline with no lag. from Blackops4

Jump shotting gives you a great advantage in close-range engagements, so you really should learn to involve vertical movement as much as you can.

Trying to improve at Warzone?

How Do You Jump Shot In Warzone?

First, for the benefit of controller users, we're going to make some settings changes to see if we can jump without having to take our hands off the directional sticks - drop shooting obviously requires you to move and aim while jumping.

Now, if you have the cash for it, you can just buy a Scuf controller for exactly this purpose (think normal controller but with a paddle at the back that can be tapped to jump). But you can achieve the same without a Scuf controller, you'll just need to learn a new controller layout: Bumper Jumper Tactical.

To do this, go: "Settings" → "Controller" → "Button Layout", and select "Bumper Jumper Tactical".

This flips the default jump button with the right bumper and the crouch button with the right stick. This way, you can keep your hands on the directional sticks while jumping and going prone.

Now, we've made it easier to move, shoot and jump at once - the basics of jump shotting are simple.

  • We want to hop and move in a circular fashion around targets to make it as hard as possible for them to track us.
  • The key is to only use this technique when you're within 15m of the enemy, and to rely more on hip-fire in those gunfights.
  • You should always jump shot when you come around a corner, this is the most effective way to take someone camping on the other side.

That's the basics of jump shotting, but we'll be tackling some more advanced vertical movement mechanics, like bunny hopping and drop shotting, later in the series.

What core skills do you think we absolutely can't miss in this series? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter, and remember, you should consider joining MyEarlyGame today for exclusive tourneys and loads of great giveaways!

Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....